Spreading Our Loving Wings Wide
Spreading love and kindness
What is Operation Angel Wings?
Operation Angel Wings is about spreading love, hope, joy, and appreciation. We started sending Angels to essential workers in late February 2020. It was our way of saying thank you for their love, their countless hours of service, and risking their lives for others. We originally sent our handmade Angels in an envelope with a little poem we had written. The response was amazing! We received the most beautiful notes of thanks for our tiny Angels. We were able to spread love coast to coast with just our tiny “pocket” Angels. Our Angels which started as a COVID project were making a huge difference across our nation! They carried the love, hope and peace from state to state. We decided more people could be reached, and more love could be spread. We have not stopped, because as long as there is a need for love there will be a need for someone to spread it. That is what Operation Angel Wings has done and will continue to do!
To see what goes into an Angel package click “Learn More.”
How do we determine where our Angels fly?
Our Angels fly to a place in need. We are not politically or religiously affiliated. Whenever we see a group or individual that could use some extra love we send Angels. We try to think about what is going on globally and how our nation is being affected so can we help. The Angels carry hope with them, as we think it is so important to remind fellow Americans that without hope we have no roots, and there is nothing to hold us tight in tough times. It is a challenge to narrow down who gets Angels, because so many are in need. We have made a promise to ourselves that we will stay true to what Operation Angel Wings originated as, which was based in love. We send the Angels out to as many groups across the nation as possible, however we love when YOU give us an idea. Please comment on the last page, “Whispers for Angels” if you know of someone or a cause that can benefit from our Angels.
To find where the first year of Angels flew click “Learn More.”
Our Angels affect our community and nation.
These Angels not only come with a huge thank you but they come with love, joy, and appreciation, because we are giving love to those who need it. We are filling the hearts of those that may feel hopeless. We want our communities to understand love is a powerful tool. We often get beautiful notes of appreciation and every time we receive one we are shocked and excited that someone spent the time to write us and that the individual was touched enough to continue the love. Operation Angel Wings is starting a movement of love beginning with a tiny Angel. It is our hope that we are supported by fellow Americans and can continue spreading love and kindness. We may send out the packets, but we often say they come with an army of Angels. Our nation can have so many different views, however we all have the capacity to love and to share love. In our community we are currently looking to support local, and give our community the love it needs from supporting a local shop, to supporting our soup kitchens. Nationally, the same things are needed, and each American should know they matter. They are loved, their hard work does not go unnoticed, and their Angel is a physical reminder of goodness, kindness, hope, love, and appreciation.
a note from co-founders Meredith and Victoria Hickerson
It all started with an idea during quarantine. We felt the essential workers needed a little extra love. Then 2020 showed us what it really had in mind, so we decided we would lift as many Americans as we could!
At the end of 2020 15,000 Angels had taken flight across the nation!
Love keeps GROWING, Lets keep GOING!
“I have seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives”
— Tracy Chapman
Whispers for Angels
Contact us with any questions and Angel requests!
1) In the Message section please include the person or group you would like the Angels to go to as well as an address for any individual.
2) If the group has a certain address please include, otherwise 1 package will go to every state of the suggested group. (Example: Nurses - we would choose one hospital in every state unless you specified a particular medical center)
3) All names, requests, and addresses will be kept private.